Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Disease Prevention
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Health Education and Promotion
  • Nurse
  • Nurse Anesthetist 
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Private Nurse
  • Public Health Official
  • Travel Nurse
  • Researcher

For individuals who

Want to work in many nursing-related fields, including as a registered nurse, nurse anesthetist, travel nurse and nurse practitioner. 

Looking for

Hands-on learning in state-of-the-art facilities. Rigorous STEM coursework. Hospital-based internship experience. 

To become

  • Nurse
  • Nurse Anesthetist 
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Public Health Official
  • Travel Nurse

乐虎电子提供护理学学士学位(BSN). 该专业课程由NDSU Fargo网站和位于俾斯麦的Sanford Health的NDSU护理中心提供. 毕业生有资格申请国家执照考试(NCLEX)成为注册护士(RN)。. 该计划由大学护理教育委员会完全认可,并由北达科他州护理委员会批准.

The Program

护理学院的使命是提高护理知识,培养有活力的护士领导者,改善所有人的健康, emphasizing underserved, rural, and diverse populations. 护理课程通过为实践提供良好的教育基础来培养专业护士, graduate study, professional development, and professional and civic responsibility. The nursing program serves as a resource for society through consultation, collaboration, advocacy, and scholarship.

Career Opportunities

医疗保健和技术的快速变化要求护理专业不断扩大其作用. Employment forecasts predict an increasing demand for professional nurses. Career opportunities for a nurse with a BSN include positions in hospitals, schools, community agencies, the military, insurance companies, nursing homes, clinics, businesses, and research settings. 毕业生准备在各种需要批判性思维的环境中工作, autonomy, collaboration, and accountability. 四年制学士学位提供了一系列的职业选择和职业发展机会.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Numerous active student organizations are available at NDSU, including Student Nurses Association chapters in Bismarck and Fargo. 我们强烈鼓励护理专业的学生参加校园活动,因为这些活动提供了团队合作的机会, leadership, service, and enjoyment.


有关录取该专业学生的奖学金信息,可从经济援助和奖学金办公室和护理学院获得. 有关第一年或转学生奖学金的信息可从入学办公室获得.

The Faculty and Facilities

NDSU BSN计划在两个地点提供:NDSU法戈网站和NDSU护理在俾斯麦的桑福德健康. At the NDSU Fargo site, students will find faculty offices and state-of-the art, hands-on nursing education labs in the six-story Aldevron Tower. Additional classrooms are found in Sudro Hall, connected to Aldevron Tower. 在俾斯麦,护理学院位于桑福德健康中心街对面,交通便利. The School houses faculty offices, classrooms, and fully equipped skills and health assessment labs, as well as an advanced simulation center to enhance student learning. 法戈-摩尔黑德和俾斯麦社区提供了丰富的保健设施, which are utilized by the nursing program. 教师是专业临床实践领域的专家,并协助学生在课堂上学习, laboratory, and clinical settings.


The School of Nursing is part of the College of Health Professions. 在接受专业课程之前,所有学生都可以获得护理前建议. 每个被专业课程录取的护理学生都被分配了一名护理学院顾问,他可以提供学术指导, assistance, and career planning. 我们强烈鼓励学生在学习计划的早期寻求导师的帮助,并定期保持联系.


专业预科课程可以在新大或其他地区认可的学院或大学完成. 我们鼓励转学生尽早与护理前顾问联系,讨论课程选择和转学问题. The pre-licensure professional program, which takes three years to complete, 必须按顺序进行,不能因临床实习而加速.The LPN-BSN and RN-BSN program, which will take two years to complete, must be taken in sequence and cannot be accelerated.

Admission to the Pre-Licensure Program

Direct Admission

直接录取的对象是学业成绩优异的高中毕业生. Direct admission is available at both the Bismarck and Fargo sites. Applications are due February 1st. 如果获得直接录取,学生将完成大一的先决课程. 学生必须在第一年的课程中保持既定的进度标准. 如果符合课程标准,学生将在第二年开始专业护理课程. Students not admitted through direct admission, or who do not maintain progression requirements, can apply through the standard admission process. Additional information as well as the admission application can be found at

Standard Admission

俾斯麦的护理学院接受申请,招收秋季和春季学期的学生. On the Fargo site, 在秋季和春季开始的学生每年接受一次申请. To be eligible for application, 学生必须满足以下要求:1)最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.75* on all college level work, and 2) completion of the prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or higher. 申请截止日期和网上申请已在护理学院网站( Admission is competitive and involves a holistic review process. The holistic review considers a student’s life experiences, personal qualities, and attributes, as well as traditional measures such as GPA. 我们鼓励学生在申请截止日期前咨询他们首选地点的护理前顾问. *Because of limitations on class size, 被护理专业录取的学生的平均成绩一般高于2分.75.

Selected Prerequisite Courses

所选的GPA是根据以下必修课程的成绩计算的. (申请人在申请时可能正在修习的先决条件课程.)

  • Communication 110: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
  • English 120: College Composition II
  • Psychology 111: Introduction to Psychology
  • Sociology 110: Introduction to Sociology or Anthropology 111: Introduction to Anthropology


  • Biology 220/220L: Human Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
  • Biology 221/ 221L: Human Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
  • Biochemistry 260: Elements of Biochemistry
  • Chemistry 117/117L: Chemistry Concepts and Applications/Lab
  • Microbiology 202/202L: Introductory Microbiology/Lab


  • 学生应该咨询他们的指导老师选修课,以提高他们的学习计划和满足毕业要求.
  • Computer proficiency is expected before beginning the nursing major.
  • 免责声明:推荐的课程可能会根据护理项目的发展而变化. 学生必须咨询他们的护理顾问,以促进项目的进展.